Updated for 2024!
Using only freely available tools and only an annotated Ansible inventory file cluster-builder enables the configuration and deployment of Kubernetes clusters to Proxmox VE kvm hypervisors and local legacy VMware Workstation/Fusion environments.
One command… and the cluster is deployed!
cluster-builder uses primarily Ansible and Bash (and sometimes Packer) to deploy Kubernetes kubeadm clusters into Proxmox VE and VMware desktop environments.
cluster-builder has been updated for 2024 with:
- Proxmox VE
Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Kubernetes 1.30
- VMware Fusion/Desktop
Rocky Linux 9.4 Kubernetes 1.30
- VMware ESXi is gone.
cluster-builder clusters include:
- Canal Networking & Policy
- MetalLB Load Balancer
- Longhorn PV Storage
- NGINX Ingress
- Kubernetes Dashboard